Amstelveen has a large community that isn’t born in the Netherlands. Around 17% of the population comes from abroad. Amstelveen itself welcomes more than 130 nationalities and we are far from aware of all the different languages and customs. In the program – Amstelveen for Everybody, Ritika Mehra gets in conversation with local Amstelveners who have a different nationality. The program will be aired as of March.
What are they struggling with? Where do they need help or guidance and what are useful tips to share to make it easier to live in Amstelveen? In collaboration with the School of Journalism, RTVA has created an English speaking program for all nationalities within Amstelveen.
In every episode, there is a deep dive into different themes. For example, how does one tackle the public transport system? A fixed slot in the program is dedicated to “the dinner†where Ritika together with a partner cook a meal in a professional cooking studio – The Pantry. Typical Dutch meals are also prepared so we can get a sneak peek into what’s cooking next door. Check out the segment where Ritika and Yvette van den Heuvel together prepare Hutspot!